9 World Famous Precious Gemstones: The Powerful Gemstones List

 The 9 important gemstones are linked to the 9 planets in our solar system. Astrologers advise consumers to buy gemstones in order to reap multiple benefits related to their health, career, education, relationships, and so on. Here is a list of gemstones and their powers.



The first gemstone on the list is ruby, which derives its power from the sun. Ruby is considered to bring its wearer prominence, power, unique features, warmth, and the ability to command. When it comes to ailments, ruby helps in the treatment of peptic ulcers, fever, rheumatism, gout, and many others. It is a crimson stone with a warm tone. The cost of a ruby varies according to its quality.



The yellow sapphire gemstone is a beautiful pale yellow stone. This stone is unique and well-known among people, particularly women. They obtain beautiful yellow sapphire stones inserted in rings, necklaces, and bracelets. Yellow Sapphire prices, like rubies, vary according to quality. The pricing of gemstones can be found on our website.



Blue Sapphire, also known as Neelam stone, is a powerful gemstone that provides wonderful results to those who wear it. This gemstone can help them achieve great success in life. Blue sapphire is Saturn's gemstone, and it embodies all of Saturn's characteristics. If you are capable of performing difficult tasks, go for it; you will reap the greatest rewards from your efforts with Neelam stone.  If you wish to buy, explore gemstones online.



The opal colour gemstone is noted for its beauty and is the birthstone for persons born in October. It is the stone of Venus, and it is known for its favorable benefits on conjugal life and wealth. Buy a gemstone to increase the wearer's stamina and overall well-being.



This highly gorgeous stone takes its powers from the moon and is the most appealing gemstone on the list. The wearer benefits from the wearer's peace of mind, intellect, and clarity of thought. It is not only a beautiful gemstone for your jewellery, but it is also beneficial to your health.



Red coral is one of those gemstones that may be trusted for a person's therapeutic earnings. This is a magnificent natural gemstone formed from the skeletons of coagulated sea animals known as polyps. If you have Mangal Dosha in your Kundli, this is the perfect gemstone to wear.



The garnet hessonite A gemstone is known for its powerful energy that provides mental tranquilly. When you wear it, you will discover that you are capable of overcoming your anxieties. Hessonite will help you in clarifying your mind so that you can see the clear route leading to your goals. The nice part is that you can now easily buy gemstone online.



Cats eye should only be worn after consulting with an astrologer. Cat's eye is the gemstone for the legendary planet 'Ketu' according to Vedic astrology. Cat's eye is worn to counteract the malevolent effects of Ketu in one's horoscope. You can order gemstone online, but you should consult an astrologer beforehand.



The emerald stone is revered for its extraordinary healing powers. This prized gemstone is green in hue and offers a plethora of medical benefits. The emerald gemstone, also known as Panna, is associated with the prophetic planet Mercury or Buddha.


This is a list of gemstones and their associated powers. Consult an astrologer and purchase a gemstone that corresponds to your horoscope. Buy gemstones online to avoid the hassle of going to the market.


Natural, pure and certified gemstone in India.


For More Information to Buy Gemstones Online


Visit htpgemstones.com or contact at +91 99250 35165.


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